Monday, 24 October 2011

Hypnobirthing with Pilates and life coaching

Pilates Hypnobirthing and Life Coaching Workshop sunday 20th November.

Rosa Whitehead and myself have devised a workshop for parents to be to help ladies during their birth stay calm, relaxed and in control of the pain. Being able to remain relaxed will mean you will be working with your body not against it and also possibly have a faster labour too. We have a hypnosis cd for you to own and listen to daily to help you in preparation for and during your birth.
Partners are very welcome and encouraged to join you for our workshop. Not only will it help them understand what you will be going through, it's also very beneficial for their own development and calmness. Helping them manage stress levels and expectations upon them as well as being more involved in the whole experience. We provide great 'core strenght' exercises to help with stretching and mobilisation that previous partners have told us they enjoyed and found beneficial.

We will also be doing a a group hypnotherapy session to help you with your health, confidence and also working on being able to let go of control becoming more relaxed and calm.
You will feel energised, calm, motivated, creative and generally happy and inspired, after your day with us.

We have two Pilates sessions through out the day, tailored to Pregnancy Pilates based in the Clapham/Balham area (venue to be confirmed)
3 group meditations/hypnosis including the hypnobirthing
Life coaching session to look at where you are now and where you want to see your life in the next year and how you want it to look like.
We will do a group hypnosis to imbed this into your subconcious mind. This is a really valuable session to share with your partner and an experience that encourages growing together and sharing experiences together and supporting each other to make the best life for you and your baby possible.

This is a really fun, innovative day. It is insightful, relaxing, fun, inspiring and motivating. Many hypnobirthing workshops run over several weeks, but we have devised the FREE hypnosis CD to listen to daily and therefore you will save money and time by being able to do our course in one day and then listen to the cd in the comfort of your own home to re-inforce all the learnings. .

Cost is £75 discount price (reduced from £90 as a special November promotion! limited spaces available 15 per group.
sunday 20th november

Contact me for more information.

I look forwards to hearing from you and if you have any friends/collgeaues who may be interested please forward this message on to them

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